This year’s annual ladies night has been scheduled for 17th October and will be held again in the Park Avenue Hotel.
More details to follow……….

Masonic Lodge No. 669 Freemasons' Hall Arthur Square, Belfast N. Ireland
This year’s annual ladies night has been scheduled for 17th October and will be held again in the Park Avenue Hotel.
More details to follow……….
Saturday 18th April sees the annual Arthur Square District Charity Committee breakfast being held in Eglinton Presbyterian Church Hall.
Our lodge is a very active supporter of this event an we encourage as many Brethren to come along with their family and friends.
Our new Worshipful Master W. Bro. Stephen Abrol was installed on Saturday 25th January 2020. The Lodge was honoured by the presence of many distinguished Brethren.
The Installing Officer was congratulated by all on an excellent Installation ceremony.
The W. Master then installed his Lodge Officers for 2020 in an exemplary manner and he and his officers received fraternal greetings and very best wishes from visiting Brethren representing many Lodges.
At the Festive Board after the meeting, our Piper W, Bro. David Beggs piped the W. Master, and Deputy Grand Master into dinner. Forty-five Brethren and guests enjoyed an excellent meal, with Toasts, and enjoyable speeches. The master’s song was beautifully sung by
W. Bro. Rennie McGrath of the Belfast Lodge 651.A charity collection and raffle in aid of Masonic charities was generously supported by all.
W. Bro. Patrick Elliott, a member of Sir George Clark Memorial Lodge 669, Belfast received cheers and applause from the crowd as he reached the bottom of the Europa hotel.
“It was very hard work,” he said. “It was so windy I swung about a bit, but oh yes, I enjoyed it, I feel it’s well worth it. My legs ached like anything and my right arm where I held the rope, and my hair was all sticking out.
”‘Plucky Patrick” has raised £900 for the Grand Master’s Vision 2020 appeal. The appeal includes the charity Médecins Sans Frontières, the RNLI, Simon Communities of Ireland and Simon Community Northern Ireland.
Patrick’s sister Mary Elliott worked with Médecins Sans Frontières as a nurse for many years in foreign and difficult countries.
His total raised so far is over £600.
Well done Patrick on your bravery – let’s support him to achieve his £1,000 target!
Proceeds in aid of the Grand Master’s Festival “Vision 2020″, supporting RNLI, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Simon Communities of Ireland and Simon Community NI.
Booking contact David Beggs