Our new Worshipful Master W. Bro. Stephen Abrol was installed on Saturday 25th January 2020. The Lodge was honoured by the presence of many distinguished Brethren.
The Installing Officer was congratulated by all on an excellent Installation ceremony.
The W. Master then installed his Lodge Officers for 2020 in an exemplary manner and he and his officers received fraternal greetings and very best wishes from visiting Brethren representing many Lodges.
At the Festive Board after the meeting, our Piper W, Bro. David Beggs piped the W. Master, and Deputy Grand Master into dinner. Forty-five Brethren and guests enjoyed an excellent meal, with Toasts, and enjoyable speeches. The master’s song was beautifully sung by
W. Bro. Rennie McGrath of the Belfast Lodge 651.A charity collection and raffle in aid of Masonic charities was generously supported by all.

Congratulations W. Master on your Installation. Well deservered and I hope worth waiting for. I look forward to working with you in 2020 as your Senior Warden.
Sincerely and Fraternally
W. Bro. Brian McBride