For an old archive of our guestbook, click here. All signatures and comments are appreciated.
W Bro Gary Albertsays
Another fantastic installation evening held at Lodge 669. It was a pleasure to attend as a guest and witness WB Paul Francey take the Chair of King Soloman.
The Installing Master was exceptional and myself and my friends are looking forward to a return visit.
And now for something completely different. I extend my fraternal greetings. I am the newly elected Excellent Chief of Shamrock, Thistle, and Rose Chapter #2 of Knight Masons in Fayetteville NC, USA. I am looking for ways to enliven our meetings and introduce some “authentic”, whatever that means, Irish “flavor”. I put my ignorance on parade and admit that I do not know enough about Irish Masonry to know what I do not know. I have heard mention of the “Paddy Master” degree from another cousin who lives in the fabled isles. All I know is that it is worked as part of a festive board. I find from your website that you actually work the degree. I would be extremely grateful for a copy of the ritual or instructions regarding its performance. Americans do get somewhat exuberant in the secular celebration of St Patrick’s Day. I trust you do not dye your beer green as some of us are known to do. The Chicago River has been dyed green in years past. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any further advice, do not hide your light under a bushel and enlighten me. Visit us if you are in the area.
I have really enjoyed browsing through this great web site. I met Bro. Paul Francey last night. He had spotted the way I was dressed and my brief case and correctly guessed that I had spent the day in Dublin visiting Molesworth Street! He encouraged me to take a look at the “Ulster Fry” section of the site.
My own Lodge also sits in Arthur Square and I hope to pay Sir George Clark Masonic Lodge No. 669 a visit soon.
Congratulations to those involved in creating this web site.
Fraternal greetings to all.
Thank you, W. Bro. Ashley for your kind remarks. You are most welcome to visit Lodge 669
Our Installation meeting is on January 27th, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
The Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Rodney McCurley is attending
Bro. Paul Francey will be installed as Senior Warden, and I am sure he would be pleased to see you again.
A 4-course dinner (roast beef) will be served at 7:00 pm £22
Contact me at [email protected]
Yours sincerely and fraternally
W. Bro. Brian McBride
Congratulations to our new W. Master W.Bro. Tom Lamont, ..and his officers.
An excellent Installation starting with W. Bro. Jonny Tarr installing the Master, and the confident manner in which the W. Master installed his officers.
Best wishes for a wonderful year!
I was directed to visit your website following an online conversation with Bro. Paull Francey.
Let me congratulate you on one of the best websites I have visited in respect to masonry; its abundantly clear that you have a very active Lodge with a high degree of moral that seems very active within your community.
Sincerely and Fraternally
WBro. Lyndon A Jones
Penmaenmawr lodge no.4417
in the Province of North Wales
Congratulations to W.Bro. Keith, his wife Karen and all others involved in organising a very successful and entertaining night for our ladies at the Ross Park Hotel last evening. It really was a joy to be there in the company of my wife Ellen, family members and brethren with their wives/partners and friends.
Once again Jorge and Jonathan, a great website. Jorge the title Lodge Webmaster is certainly yours.
I would encourage all the Lodge brethren to keep you busy with their news, items, pictures and comments.
New content keeps the website Alive!
S&F greetings
Lodge 669 meeting 22nd Feb.2014
Congratulations W.Master to you and your Officers for an excellent first full meeting in the chair.
A great degree team for Bro. Paul Connolly Jr EA degree.
This looks set to be another very good year for L669!
Congratulations to our new W. Master W. Bro. Keith Johnston, and to his Officers for 2014.
Have a great year W. Master, it will go past very quickly so enjoy every moment.
Yours sincerely & fraternally
W. Bro. Brian McBride PM, PPGSW (Middlesex)
An excellent NEW website. Well presented and easy to navigate. Lots of information for both Masons and Non-Masons. Up to the usual standard of how L669 do things. Congratulations to Jorge & Brian for all their work. Also to contributors (Paul Keith etc)who have opened the door by providing their insight into freemasonry. Their contributions could go under the heading “How to make new friends”
Fraternal Greetings to all Brethren in 669 from the Brethren on the ‘Barren Rock’of Hong Kong, where you will find the PGL of the Far East, and its seven ‘Irish’ Lodges. (It’s a pity that there are not enough real Irishmen here to enable at least one in each of the Lodges, but we stress “quality” and not “quantity”).
I convey the best wishes from the Brethren of Shamrock Lodge 712;- a Lodge in which your current WM was Initiated and thereafter spent some time in Labour, and a lot longer at refreshment.
This is an interesting site to which I must return, as there are too many jokes to go through on this occasion.
Hoping that everyone has an enjoyable year, I’ll now and if anyone travels to the East, we’ll be here to welcome you!.
Wonderful job of the updated site. Looks amazing. It does the lodge proud and is a great impression to anyone across the world who looks at it. Well done.
Jorge, Ivor had advised me to check out our new web-site. I am glad I did, I am most impressed and extend my thsnks and crongratulations for a job well done.
Hi Jorge,can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you have put in to producing this New Look Lodge 669 website which to my mind surpasses all others.
The high standards of the site, mirror those which we aim to maintain in the Lodge.
I think you have done an excellent job which will be well recieved by all who come to view once it goes live.
Congratulations Bro. Jorge Garcia on a magnificent website.
I am very pleased to hand over to you the well deserved title of “Lodge 669 Web Master”.
I encourage all the Lodge Brethren to get involved with this project by making a contribution to the content: Articles, Comments, Visits, Stories, Jokes etc
Dear Jorge,
Thanks very much for the work on the Lodge Website it does look great. We really appreciate the hard work and effort that has went into this, it is very good and will be well received when we go live.
Yours S&F
I have just had my first look over our new updated Website and all I can say is that we should congratulate Bro. Jorge Garcia for doing a great job. Very well done.
Another fantastic installation evening held at Lodge 669. It was a pleasure to attend as a guest and witness WB Paul Francey take the Chair of King Soloman.
The Installing Master was exceptional and myself and my friends are looking forward to a return visit.
And now for something completely different. I extend my fraternal greetings. I am the newly elected Excellent Chief of Shamrock, Thistle, and Rose Chapter #2 of Knight Masons in Fayetteville NC, USA. I am looking for ways to enliven our meetings and introduce some “authentic”, whatever that means, Irish “flavor”. I put my ignorance on parade and admit that I do not know enough about Irish Masonry to know what I do not know. I have heard mention of the “Paddy Master” degree from another cousin who lives in the fabled isles. All I know is that it is worked as part of a festive board. I find from your website that you actually work the degree. I would be extremely grateful for a copy of the ritual or instructions regarding its performance. Americans do get somewhat exuberant in the secular celebration of St Patrick’s Day. I trust you do not dye your beer green as some of us are known to do. The Chicago River has been dyed green in years past. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any further advice, do not hide your light under a bushel and enlighten me. Visit us if you are in the area.
Merry Christmas,
Michael T Aycock
Excellent Chief
I have really enjoyed browsing through this great web site. I met Bro. Paul Francey last night. He had spotted the way I was dressed and my brief case and correctly guessed that I had spent the day in Dublin visiting Molesworth Street! He encouraged me to take a look at the “Ulster Fry” section of the site.
My own Lodge also sits in Arthur Square and I hope to pay Sir George Clark Masonic Lodge No. 669 a visit soon.
Congratulations to those involved in creating this web site.
Fraternal greetings to all.
Thank you, W. Bro. Ashley for your kind remarks. You are most welcome to visit Lodge 669
Our Installation meeting is on January 27th, 2018 @ 4:30 pm
The Deputy Grand Master R.W. Bro. Rodney McCurley is attending
Bro. Paul Francey will be installed as Senior Warden, and I am sure he would be pleased to see you again.
A 4-course dinner (roast beef) will be served at 7:00 pm £22
Contact me at [email protected]
Yours sincerely and fraternally
W. Bro. Brian McBride
Greeting from TLC Yorkshire North and East Ridings. keep up the good work.
Many thanks to the WM & brethren at you March communication for the warm welcome Bro David woods and I received. We had a very enjoyable night.
Wbro Paul Graham
WM of star of Kilwarlin masonic lodge no 66
Fraternal greetings to the brethren of Sir George Clark Memorial Lodge 669 coming all the way from the Philippines.
Shout out to Bro Paull Francey for pointing me to this site.
Fraternal grip,
Bro. Jade Tan
Cosmos Lodge No. 8, Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines
Congratulations to our new W. Master W.Bro. Tom Lamont, ..and his officers.
An excellent Installation starting with W. Bro. Jonny Tarr installing the Master, and the confident manner in which the W. Master installed his officers.
Best wishes for a wonderful year!
I was directed to visit your website following an online conversation with Bro. Paull Francey.
Let me congratulate you on one of the best websites I have visited in respect to masonry; its abundantly clear that you have a very active Lodge with a high degree of moral that seems very active within your community.
Sincerely and Fraternally
WBro. Lyndon A Jones
Penmaenmawr lodge no.4417
in the Province of North Wales
Congratulations to W.Bro. Keith, his wife Karen and all others involved in organising a very successful and entertaining night for our ladies at the Ross Park Hotel last evening. It really was a joy to be there in the company of my wife Ellen, family members and brethren with their wives/partners and friends.
I truly appreciate this article.Really thank you! Fantastic. ggbdgeaaecbc
Once again Jorge and Jonathan, a great website. Jorge the title Lodge Webmaster is certainly yours.
I would encourage all the Lodge brethren to keep you busy with their news, items, pictures and comments.
New content keeps the website Alive!
S&F greetings
Fraternal Salutations from a Brother member of Mableton Lodge No. 171 of Mableton, Georgia, USA.
We are a Regular Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons working under the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Georgia.
Respectfully and Fraternally;
ED Lamour
You are invited to visit our Facebook page.
ED Lamour
Mableton Lodge No. 171
Brotherly love to you and to the craft.
God look over us.
Br. Michael Pierce
Michigan. USA
Lodge 669 meeting 22nd Feb.2014
Congratulations W.Master to you and your Officers for an excellent first full meeting in the chair.
A great degree team for Bro. Paul Connolly Jr EA degree.
This looks set to be another very good year for L669!
Congratulations to our new W. Master W. Bro. Keith Johnston, and to his Officers for 2014.
Have a great year W. Master, it will go past very quickly so enjoy every moment.
Yours sincerely & fraternally
W. Bro. Brian McBride PM, PPGSW (Middlesex)
An excellent NEW website. Well presented and easy to navigate. Lots of information for both Masons and Non-Masons. Up to the usual standard of how L669 do things. Congratulations to Jorge & Brian for all their work. Also to contributors (Paul Keith etc)who have opened the door by providing their insight into freemasonry. Their contributions could go under the heading “How to make new friends”
Fraternal Greetings to all Brethren in 669 from the Brethren on the ‘Barren Rock’of Hong Kong, where you will find the PGL of the Far East, and its seven ‘Irish’ Lodges. (It’s a pity that there are not enough real Irishmen here to enable at least one in each of the Lodges, but we stress “quality” and not “quantity”).
I convey the best wishes from the Brethren of Shamrock Lodge 712;- a Lodge in which your current WM was Initiated and thereafter spent some time in Labour, and a lot longer at refreshment.
This is an interesting site to which I must return, as there are too many jokes to go through on this occasion.
Hoping that everyone has an enjoyable year, I’ll now and if anyone travels to the East, we’ll be here to welcome you!.
Nice Job,well done!
The new sight looks great! Well done to all involved:)
Great job by all involved. Looks great and easy to navigate. Another great way for me to keep up to date with everything back home
Just had a look at the new website very easy to navigate congratulations to all involved .
Fraternal Greetings from Olderfleet Masonic Lodge Number 501 in Larne, County Antrim!
I really like the new look site well done all those that were involved and congrats to all
Wonderful job of the updated site. Looks amazing. It does the lodge proud and is a great impression to anyone across the world who looks at it. Well done.
S&F. Tom.
Jorge, Ivor had advised me to check out our new web-site. I am glad I did, I am most impressed and extend my thsnks and crongratulations for a job well done.
Jorge, fantastic job on the new look website. Really enjoyed browsing through it. Keep up the excellent work.
Hi Jorge,can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you have put in to producing this New Look Lodge 669 website which to my mind surpasses all others.
The high standards of the site, mirror those which we aim to maintain in the Lodge.
I think you have done an excellent job which will be well recieved by all who come to view once it goes live.
Congratulations Bro. Jorge Garcia on a magnificent website.
I am very pleased to hand over to you the well deserved title of “Lodge 669 Web Master”.
I encourage all the Lodge Brethren to get involved with this project by making a contribution to the content: Articles, Comments, Visits, Stories, Jokes etc
Dear Jorge,
Thanks very much for the work on the Lodge Website it does look great. We really appreciate the hard work and effort that has went into this, it is very good and will be well received when we go live.
Yours S&F
I have just had my first look over our new updated Website and all I can say is that we should congratulate Bro. Jorge Garcia for doing a great job. Very well done.